Deborah Cummins

Until They Catch Fire

“An alternate title for this accomplished full-length collection might well be “The New Order of Things,” the name of one of the book’s many poems that attempt to make peace with “the presence of an absence.” As she faces loss, especially that of her brother (“I was older than [he] would ever be”), Cummins memorably captures the vexation of not being able to prevent, even delay, the inevitable. Her territory is woefully our territory, too, and these poems give voice to what we all experience as we struggle “to accommodate the truth.” Part elegy, part love poem, Until They Catch Fire is an impressive collection by an always impressive writer.” — Andrea Hollander, author of Blue Mistaken for Sky

Deborah Cummins Poetry and Essays

Meet Deborah

Deborah Cummins is an award winning author residing in Portland and Deer Isle Maine.


 "Cummins is a poet with both hands in plain sight. No manipulative literary affections, no illustrations of theory, no personal mission other than to address us directly, with clarity, authenticity, and, above all, with generosity."

Ted Kooser, Former U.S. Poet Laureate

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